One of my roommate´s just arrived back about an hour ago after spending the past week and a half at her parent´s home. Her father drove her here, so I was able to meet him. We all had an interesting conversation in the kitchen about America and Europe. Her father was the first person in Europe I´ve met that was so pro-American. At first he was talking about the Spanish way of life and said that Europe and Spain are very antiquated and aging. He pointed out that Spain is a "country" with autonomous communities, yet no one is united. He referenced the fact that if you visit America, everyone has a high sense of patriotism and nationalism, which I´ve never disagreed with. He used the example that if you pull out a Spanish flag in the northeastern community of Catalunya (Barcelona), people would get rid of it or even burn it. He pointed out that this lack of unity in Spain has hindered it from growing over the years. He went on to say that America is going to pull the world out of this financial crisis and that we´ve always been the one constant country over the past two hundred years.
It took me aback to hear a European, and especially a Spaniard speak so highly of the USA.
It took me aback to hear a European, and especially a Spaniard speak so highly of the USA.