Friday, September 17, 2010

TGIF 24/96.

And the first week of school (work) has come to an end. I honestly can say that I'm nowhere near as tired as I thought I would be. This morning, I ended up on the same metro as one of my students. He waved at me and I ended up meeting his mother and walking with them from the station to school. I really enjoyed all my classes today. I am making seating charts so I can learn who sits where. I am starting to remember a few names, but the test will come next week! After school, a lot of the kids told me bye. When little things happen like that, it's a reminder that I really am here to stay. (For awhile at least.)

Apparently last night there was a huge storm. Me being the hard sleeper that I am, I missed the entire thing. This morning, Isabel asked me if I heard it and her jaw dropped open when I told her I heard nothing. The weather today was cooler than normal. I ended wearing a pair of leggings, flip flops, and a long cardigan. It was perfect for a day like today.

After work, I met my friend Amy, from church. We ate lunch at a crepe restaurant. Oh my goodness, is all I can say. You can order a savory crepe, a sweet crepe, and a drink for a set price. The savory crepe (mine was spinach, onions, cheese, and nuts) was wonderful, but my sweet crepe was BEYOND amazing. It was chocolate on the inside and mint chocolate ice cream on top. It's a good thing I didn't have time to stop for my neopolitana this morning, because I'm pretty sure this crepe had enough calories in itself!

I had two hours to kill after I left Amy's apartment. (Long story - really don't want to get into now. I'll save it for later.) I found the sock store and bought my socks so I can wear my comfortable shoes! I'm really excited about them! I walked so much today, in flip flops of course. My feet are so mad at me right now, it's not funny.

On the way home tonight, there were two girls on the metro. I guess they were going out and went all out for it. Literally. I was enjoying my peaceful, long ride home and looked up. I saw butt cheeks hanging out of shorts. Note to everyone: if I EVER get stupid and wear something like that, please smack me and do whatever else you deem necessary. This serves as written proof that I give you verbal consent. If one of my friends went out like that, no wait let me rephrase. I would NEVER let my friends go out like that and I know they would do the same for me. How disgusting. The poor thing looked all of sixteen too. The funniest thing about the situation was the woman across from me. She was an older woman and when she saw the girl, she made a face and I promise to goodness, immediately began to pray. Part of me wanted to join in with her. She kept mumbling things and looking over at the girl. Then, another girl walked by us and she had on short shorts as well, sans the extra sneak peek. This lady made another face and started praying again. Sad, but true. Bless the heart of the older lady though.

I have not started a lick of homework and I'm about to fall asleep. It's been quite a long day and a bit stressful. Days like this make me miss home. This weekend will be non-existent for me. Going to a village tomorrow, and then coming home and hitting the books/computer. On Sunday I am going to try and visit with Sol. Oh, and I also have to squeeze lesson planning somewhere in between all of the madness. Pray for me! :) Have a good weekend!

Quote of the Day: "Commit your ways to the Lord and your plans will be established." Proverbs 16:3

1 comment:

  1. So the kids there are even "cheekier" than American teens? NO WAY! Lol, We'll def kick your butt if we ever see it hanging out! hehehe
