Friday, January 28, 2011

Alcala and the party train

Today has been such a long day and I'm trying to figure out why I'm still awake. I was not planning on being out so late. It was nice to not really do anything at work today. I talked to my Principal about staying on at the school indefinitely. Which was quite funny, because just last night I talked to my parents about what I am going to do after I finish school. Next year I am going to get a pay raise as well, which is always a good thing, given the current economy! All of the teachers had a lunch after school - we had different types of pinchos (finger foods), beverages, and desserts. Afterwards, a group of us went to a cafe for a coffee. I feel like I'm part of the "cool kids group" at work. I really love my co-workers and I'm glad that I've started to hang out with them and feel more comfortable. I was supposed to meet them tonight, but I wasn't planning on returning to the city so late. I had to travel to Alcala de Henares - a little town on the outskirts of Madrid. Friends from church are going out of town for their anniversary and asked me to stay at their house with their kids. My friend Amy was also at their house, so we ended up hanging out the entire evening - dinner, dessert, a fun game called Bubble Talk, and we worked on a puzzle. It was quite the relaxing evening!

I am always amazed at the concept of Spaniards and drinking. On the train ride home, a large group of boys who had to be around 20, got on. They got their party started early (11:30 pm is early in Spain for the weekend) and began drinking on the train. Amy and I started analyzing their goods - several bottles of rum, vodka, and another drink which has completely slipped my mind. They also had a few bottles of fanta to mix their drinks with. To complete their party, they had plastic cups and ice. This part didn't surprise me, because everyone drinks while on public transportation. It was quite amusing though, because a few minutes later, security guards hopped on the train (a normal routine.) The boys scrambled to put lids on bottles. The boy sitting in front of us hid his cup on the floor and turned his body to block it. Another boy went as far as hiding his cup inside his jacket. Two of them weren't so lucky - the security guards escorted them to the door and their had to pour their drinks out. Spanish youth are quite an interesting subject to analyze....they have absolutely no respect for authority (the boys were giving lip service to the guards even as they were walking away) and have quite a mature social life for being so young. Although I am no longer surprised to the whole "Let's drink on the metro" thing, I always get a kick out of it because it seems like they put a lot of thought (and money) into it!

I'm headed off to bed. I am exhausted and have tons of homework to do tomorrow.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Estoy malita

This week, I learned a little trick that works in Spain if you are a child. You pull the "I'm sick" card when you don't like whatever food your mother has prepared for lunch or dinner. This weekend, one of the kids was "sick." Thursday, he really did had a fever. But during the weekend, when it came time to eat and if he didn't like what was in front of him, he said, "Estoy malito." And it saved him from eating the food. However, it DID allow him to eat cake and ice cream on Sunday. And to drink a Coca-Cola. I was a tad bit confused, but nonetheless, I had to hand it to him. He successfully avoided eating food that he disliked! So, the next time you don't want to do something, just say "Estoy malito" (if you are a male) or if you're female, "Estoy malita." Let me know how it works out for you.

I learned a new word this week: canica. It means marble. Oh, how I despise canicas. Last term, all of the students had silly bands. This term, they're all coming to school with marbles. And bags full. The other day, one of my students dropped a bag that had at least a hundred marbles on the floor. I wanted to scream. I told my students (politely) that if I see them with marbles, we are going to have serious issues. Who buys marbles for their kids??!! Such a distraction. All I hear during class is click, clack, click, clack. I want to pull my hair out. All of it. And that could take some time. But I'm serious.

One of my main goals for 2011 was to stop procrastinating. (In addition to curbing my shopping addiction.) And I'm proud to report that I'm making strides with both! Yay me! This past weekend, I finished all of my homework for the week. I'm trying to stay ahead of my studies, because of my crazy schedule. And the fact that I like to sleep. It's working quite lovely.

Speaking of which, it's time for me to go to sleep. Not that I have anything big to do tomorrow. We are celebrating Santo Enrique (Thomas Aquinas), because he is the patron saint of the school and also of learning. No classes tomorrow! The kids will have games and activities in the morning, and then we're kicking them out at 1. But not really. Okay, well, we can't kick all of them out, because some parents can't pick up their children until later in the afternoon, but the teachers are having a luncheon and we're all eating together, so we'd like to kick them out at 1. But hey, not all of our dreams come true, do they?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Running and avoiding landmines....

So, it's looking like my blogs are going to be posted only weekly....I'm officially in the full swing of things. My schedule this semester is nuts! It seems that all I do is run back and forth between work and school. Okay, so maybe run isn't the best word. It's more like a brisk walk. I have around ten minutes to make it from work to school by 11 am on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Fifteen minutes to make it by 12:15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and another ten minutes to make it to class by 4 pm on those days. Oh, and did I mention that after I finish class at 5:15, I have to run back to work so I can teach the after-school English classes that really start at 5:15? But since I'm this amazingly, awesome English teacher, the head of my school lets me come a few minutes late. (Supply and demand!!!! I love being the supplier!) It's absolutely insane! This semester, I have so much more homework to do during the week. Last semester I had four political science class, so all I had to do was read. And to be honest, I never read, and somehow ended up with a nice GPA! This semester is different, seeing as I actually have homework. My plan was to come home tonight and work on homework, but as I'm writing this, my eyes are getting heavy. It looks like I will shower and be in the bed by 9. I was supposed to meet some co-workers to watch the Real Madrid-Athletico Madrid game (an in-town rivalry), but it doesn't even start until 10!

Last weekend I bragged about the warm weather. I ate my words this week. I woke up Monday morning to a cloudy, foggy sky. Today was the first day all week I wore sunglasses. It's been cold and dreary all week and I've been fighting a cough. There's a virus going around at the school - it seems like the students that I come into contact with outside of school, have been sick at one point or another over the past two weeks. I'm praying I don't catch it!

Today was a good day - I had to turn in a spanish summary on Tuesday and today my professor handed it back to me. I only made three mistakes - and of course they were stupid!!!! He even caught my attention in the cafeteria to tell me that I did a great job! He knew of my problems from the past semester, so I'm sure that's why he made the extra effort to do so. Nonetheless, it boosted my confidence! This professor always has a way of complimenting you in the best way possible!

This afternoon, I was so proud of my after-school students! We have been studying the verb "to be" and how we conjugate it for each person. Today, I split the kids up into three groups and had them work with each other, studying the conjugations. Seeing my little first and second graders memorize the verbs, made me so proud! They were teaching each other!!!!

I really wish Madrid would make an ordinance that requires people to clean up after their dogs. Not only do I have to power walk between work and school, but I also have to watch myself so I don't step on a landmine. They seem to be everywhere. And they're huge. It's really gross. Especially when you see smear marks where someone has accidentally dragged their foot through it. I would even stand on the street corner and pass out plastic bags, just so people would clean that stuff up! It's supposed to be the job of the city workers who clean streets and sidewalks to do it, but they are clearly not doing their job. Today, I noticed a prize so big, I had to question as to whether or not a horse had traveled on the sidewalk. That gross....Sorry to be so graphic.

I am completely exhausted. I'm sure I am forgetting something, but my brain is not functioning right now. It's in shut down mode. I'm about to hop in the shower and snooze off to la-la land. More later!!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

First Post of the New Year

Okay, I've been slacking. I had every intention of writing at least one blog when I was stateside, but clearly that didn't happen. The two weeks in Louisville went by so fast and I was more concerned with spending time with my family than I was anything. I know I'm totally late on this one, but Happy 2011 to everyone! My Christmas break was absolutely wonderful. I had an extremely long travel day - 25 hours from the time I woke up in Madrid to the time I went to sleep in Louisville, but my reunion with my family was priceless. I loved not having anything to do for two weeks. I rested and spent as much time as possible with my family. It was a much-needed break. Naturally, it was too short and I hated leaving again. But I'll be back on July 1st until the end of August!

Work started on Monday and the kids have been nuts this week. I'm praying for a better week starting on Monday. The entire school has changed its schedule - here I just memorized last semester's schedule in November and I have to remember another one already! This time, I am teaching a regular English class to some third-graders, three days a week. I'm sure after next week I will love it - they were beyond nuts this week. Although come to think of it, we have spring-like temperatures, so maybe it's the change in air pressure. Ask any teacher and he/she will tell you that when the weather changes, the kids are off the charts! I also started classes at the university on Wednesday - I think I'm going to like my classes, especially Spanish. I have one of my favorite professors again for Spanish, so I'm really excited!

I'm looking forward to this year - 2010 was all about personal growth and doing what I wanted to do, so I can 't wait to continue it throughout 2011!