Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Being Cosmopolitan. 22/98.

Can I just go through one day where I don't break out in a cold sweat before 8:30 am? Just one day, please?! I honestly don't see how I am going to make it come winter. Yes, I will have to wear a coat, but I already starting to wonder if the metro will still be stuffy in the dead of winter. This morning was difficult for me to wake up. I kept hitting the snooze button. I didn't leave the house this morning until 8:20 and still made it to work ten minutes early :) I broke down and tried riding the metro with my backpack on the floor, in between my feet. It was much better, I have to admit. Plus, I actually felt better having the backpack guarded by my legs, than I did having it on my back.

I had four classes today. I LOVE teaching the 5th and 6th graders. They are so much fun. Of course, they want to talk to me in Spanish. I told them that during English class, we have to talk in English, but outside of that, we can talk in Spanish. Some of the boys classroom 5-C, love baseball. Unfortunately, I don't remember their names. I know there are a lot of Jorges, Marias, Martas, and Alejandros. Of course it's easier for them to learn my name. I have at least 26 students in each class. Hopefully I will get it all down soon though. The first graders are going to be a bit of a challenge, but it's one that I am up for.

I hit a rough patch yesterday. I have been getting frustrated in my own Spanish class. It's an advanced writing class and my professor is very hard and wants us to write in a formal manner. Yesterday, I got a paper back that had more red markups than the annual budget of the U.S.A. I am feeling more and more incompetent as this class goes on and was even doubting my decision to study Spanish yesterday. But this morning with the kids cheered me up, so I'm back to normal. (Plus, a little pep email from your mother never hurts anything either!)

I am slowly, but surely, making new friends. Most of them are people I take political science classes with. They are from all over the world, too. One is from Sweden, another from Taiwan, and someone else from Mexico. The school really is a little United Nations!

Tomorrow is the last day of classes for the week, so I'm really happy about that. Of course, I'm not too happy about all the reading I have to do, plus two papers I have to write this weekend. I love political science for the reason that there is no right answer - you can write a paper based on your own beliefs and as long as those beliefs are backed up by some type of political ideology, you're fine. On the other hand, I hate political science because of all the reading you have to do and the lecture classes. Although today, I started typing my notes for Asian Politics and it was so much eaiser than writing! I keep telling myself though that all of this will pay off in the long run. In three out of my four poli sci classes, we are talking about the Cosmopolitan person. And I guess after all of this is said and done, I will truly be one of them!

This afternoon, I discovered a new park. It's only a few blocks away from school and I can't believe I never knew about it before! It has water fountains, playgrounds, and paddle courts. (I found out today that paddle is a game similar to tennis, but you use a different racket and the court is shorter. It's very popular here.) But, the best part of it all is that it has a driving range and a small golf course! I am soooo excited about this one! How cool is that?! (Yes, I know I'm lame.)

Oh, and for those of you who is a friend on Facebook, you will be pleased to know that I did not eat all my sour patch kids last night :)

Quote of the Day: "It is better to be feared than to be loved."- Machiavelli (Talked about this famous quote in class today, thought I'd share. Note: this quote does not necessarily express my personal beliefs, but I can argue for both sides on this one.)

1 comment:

  1. You and all other's are cosmopolitan, since it means, "belonging to all the world." ie: cosmos.

    Maybe, someday you can use this quote. "Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
    General George S. Patton Jr. WW2, Leader

    Love You,
    Grand Paw
