Monday, September 27, 2010

Jesus is ALWAYS Watching....34/86.

Okay, this blog is going to be really short. I'm so tired, my feet are killing me, and I don't feel good. So yes, you could say I'm not in the best of moods....So, here we go. ready, set go!

I only went to work for an hour today - I taught my first class and then left. Now, I kinda wished I wouldn't have gone in at all. I wasn't feeling good, my throat was killing me, and I had a headache. Kids are never a good thing in that equation. I had to leave because at noon, I had my appointment at the police station to apply for my residency card. Yes people, I can't be here illegally. They fingerprinted me, took two of my carnet sized photos (European passport size - smaller than ours!) even though they told me to bring three, and I was on my way. Spain does everything in threes....Even with my visa, I had to have three copies, even though they only kept two. That's a tree killer! I was so tempted to go home (oh wait, at this point I didn't have a home. Err, I mean Amy's flat) and crawl back in the bed. I was miserable. But, mid-terms start next week so I figured the timing would be bad. I sucked it up and stayed.

I moved after school was over. It was pretty easy. The cab only cost ten euros and thankfully all of my luggage fit in one car! Elio, the dad, was home to help me get my stuff in and on the elevator. I still have not unpacked - everything is staring at me. I went out tonight with some friends for school for a birthday. It was fun and it was nice to be able to go out for once. This was the first time that I did something after school/work. Ahh, how glad I am to be back in the city!

Last night, I was talking with Amy's roommate, Laura, who is an auxiliar - an English teacher assistant. We were talking about teaching and how our English language skills are awful now. Basically, we talk in English with a Spanish accent and talk in Spanish with an English accent. Not good! People don't understand how difficult it is to teach kids a different language. No wonder I'm so mentally drained by the end of the day!

Today on my way to school, I followed one of my students because I had never walked this way to school before. I discovered a little shortcut through the park I wrote about a few weeks ago. The one with the driving range and fountains. It was nice to get a change of scenery. I'm really going to like living over here. The weird thing is though, all my students live in this neighborhood too, so I always see them out.

Oh, speaking of seeing people, I forgot to tell you all that yesterday, when we were at the Iglesia Saint Tome, which is where he original El Greco painting was, there was this couple who decided to "hide" behind a column and make out. In the church. I mean, did they really think that no one was going to see them? I wanted to tell them that, "Jesus is always watching you, even when you're kissing behind a column." Did they really think that hiding out of sight of the altar was helping? Just saying.

I'm going to sleep. It will be so nice to wake up at eight instead of seven. I could do a happy dance. Except I have to room to do so because my suitcases are sleeping next to me on the floor :)

Quote of the Day: "If you want your dreams to come true, don't over sleep." -Yiddish Proverb

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