Saturday, September 11, 2010

Housewives and PDA's (and I don't mean the electronic PDA) 18/102.

My apologies for last night's blog. It was rather pointless if you ask me. My life here is starting to get so busy. I was homesick the first couple of days because there was nothing to do. I kept asking myself repeatedly, "Why did I move again?" Well, now that work and school are both in full swing, I have been reminded of why I decided to do such a life-altering thing. I know that the time is going to fly by now and before I know it, I will be on a plane to come home for Christmas!

I woke up today around ten thirty. It was nice to sleep in after waking up at what seemed like the crack of dawn these past two days. I fixed breakfast for the kids and myself and we went to the pool. They swam while I read books for class. It's been a very productive day for me. I am caught up with homework/reading for my classes on Monday. All that's left is to read and do some spanish exercises in my workbook. My goal is to always be a day ahead on homework. Since this is the umpteenth time I'm taking classes, I think I finally have a handle on how to manage time effectively.

The RHOM and company were at the pool all day today. Their whole group is hilarious to me. The booze started around one thirty. Ludy, the mother hen of the group even offered me a drink. She remembered my name and everything! Probably because she talks about me when I'm not around :) They took a brief hiatus around three to go home and eat lunch, but then they were back out around six. The kids went swimming again and then everyone went home around eight. But oh no, they were back for round three . When we were eating dinner around ten, you could hear them cackaling. Elena said they are so annoying and she doesn't see how anyone can possibly sit around and gossip like they do. Apparently, they talked all through the night during the entire month of July. Elena says that she has no idea how each of them managed to find a husband who wanted to marry them and who works for them so they can stay at home and sit at the pool all day. Amazing. One of the housewives, also named Elena, has an 18 year old daughter, Marta. She failed her tests that she needs to pass in order to attend college. She has one more chance to pass them, but if she does not, she has to repeat her year. To Elena, it's no surprise that she failed them, because she says, when you sit at the pool all day, what do you expect? Today, some of the husbands even joined the club. They all looked exactly the same. Middle aged, husky, and white hair. I guess that's what you need to look for when trying to be a trophy wife, huh?

Speaking of co-habilitation and marriage, I seriously thought this couple on the metro yesterday was about to make a baby together. In public! Europeans are much more affectionate than we are, even when greeting someone. Instead of a handshake, you get a kiss on each cheek. Technically, I guess this means I have kissed men. Oops. Mimi is going to kill me! Anyways, it's nothing to see couples stick their tongues down each other's throat or their hand down their mate's pants. I'm not lying! (This is another reason why I couldn't have a spanish boyfriend. PDA's are gross and completely unnecessary if you ask me. I mean, if I can barely stand my own pants sticking to my legs in the dead of summer, do you think I want you sticking your hand down them? Just saying.) Anyways, this couple on the metro though was going a bit over the top. Even for the spainiards. I saw several people look at them like what in the world are you doing? But hey, if they like it, then I love it! (But not really!)

Yesterday, I found out more about the school. The teachers are paid based on how many hours they teach. A full schedule is 26 hours. And I'm working 20! Teachers who also act as tutors (kind of like a homeroom teacher) get more money. Some teachers teach multiple subjects or at another school, so they can make more money. Very weird to me. But I am totally grateful to be working almost a full teaching schedule.

If anyone knows any elementary teachers, ask them if they would be interested in doing some type of exchange program over the internet/email/snail mail with a class in Spain. I am completely flexible with this! Spread the word :)

Is anyone still reading this besides my mother? I feel like I'm writing to myself. Although, this will make for a nice journal in a few years.

Quote of the Day: "You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was." -Abraham Lincoln (this coming from the guy who's nickname was Tall Abe....)


  1. I am reading Sarah!! I am so happy and proud of you. I love reading about the different foods..Yum!! Take care and enjoy every minute!

  2. I just wanted to say I started reading your blogs this past week. I started at the beginning and am now caught up. I enjoy reading about your days abroad since this is an experience I probably will not have the chance to take part in. So keep them coming!!

  3. Yo tambiƩn estoy leyendo, Sarah :)

