Sunday, September 12, 2010

Paella and Apple Cobbler 19/101.

I have been blessed to have friends in other countries who are like surrogate families. Although I am thousands of miles away from my family in Louisville, I feel that I have become a part of yet another family here in Spain. I have quickly learned to love Sundays here and not just because of the wonderful food! Elena's parents came over once again today. I saw them as they were walking up to the door and they were so excited to see me!

Today's Sunday dinner was a fusion of my adopted home of Spain and my permanent home, Kentucky. Elena's mother cooked another fabulous paella today. Yes, it was the exact same as last week, but who cares. My motto, "When in Spain, do as the Spaniards...." (For those of you confused, please see last week's blog, entitled "Confessions of a Shrimp Killer.") I added a taste of Kentucky to the meal. I baked a homemade apple cobbler! I was worried that it wouldn't turn out because I had to convert oven temperatures over to celsius and I was afraid that no one would like it! The kids didn't eat more than a bite - Elena says they never like to try new things! But her parents devoured their portions! Her mother kept telling me how wonderful it was. I was so happy! My grandmother and great-grandmother would be so very proud of me! I cooked the apples on the stove and made my own crust from scratch. It was so good, that I am trying my best to resist the leftovers that are calling my name from the counter....

I finished the rest of my reading and homework. I am now caught up for Tuesday! What a relief! Tomorrow is the first day at school for the students and I am nervous! Thankfully, I don't have to teach tomorrow. I will spend the entire day planning with Nicholas, one of the English teachers. I will be working on my presentation tomorrow. Anyone have any "must-tell" bits of information that you think I should include in my presentation about Louisville?

Last night, I was able to watch the Real Housewives of New Jersey part 2 reunion! I was so happy. However, I still CANNOT stream any football games off It keeps telling me that they have reached the maximum number of viewers in Spain and that I should purchase a premium account. I'm seriously thinking about doing it. It's only $25 for three months. But then again, all the games come one late at night, so maybe it won't be worth it. I'll need everyone to keep me updated on games!

Please pray that the school year gets off to a good start for me. Can't wait to share details as the week goes on!

Quote of the Day: "The conscience of children is formed by the influences that surround them; their notions of good and evil are the result of the moral atmosphere they breathe." -Jean Paul Richter
-A wonderful reminder for me as I embark on the challenge of making a difference in the lives of children. Never in a million years would I have guessed that I would be doing in in Spain.

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