Thursday, September 2, 2010

Examining friendships. How much do they really mean to you? 9/111

So the entire purpose of living with a Spanish family while living abroad is to immerse yourself in the language and culture. My situation is a little different, because I had a pre-existing relationship with my family. I speak in Spanish at night with Elena, the mother, and in English with the kids. But when it comes to eating, I always make an effort to live on a Spanish diet. This includes eating dinner at 9 or 10 in the evening. For the past week, I think I have had fish at least four times for dinner. And another two of those nights, I had huevos fritos (fried eggs). Tonight we had an interesting dinner. Juevos fritos and championes and setas. Fried eggs and mushrooms. I have never been interested in eating mushrooms, but in the past year, I have decided to try them out. Elena and I cooked the mushrooms with garlic and a little bit of ham in a fry pan full of olive oil. It was an odd combination, but surprisingly, I liked it. Luna and I also had gazpacho, which is popular throughout Spain. Now that school has started, I can get lunch from the cafeteria on campus, which is nice, since it's fairly cheap. Today I got a salad, a piece of chicken, and a fanta for 4 euros.

I had my first Spanish class today. I was nervous, but I think I did okay. This class focuses on written communication, so I have to write two compositions a week. I already have homework for my classes. I have a composition due Tuesday. Written in Spanish, of course.

Today I received sad news that dealt with a former close friend of mine. I decided to reach out and send an email to let her know that although we have not spoken in quite some time, I was praying for her and wanted to offer my support. Honestly, I don't ever forsee us being close friends again, but I was left to ask myself, are some friendships worth salvaging and if so, how much effort do you put into it before enough is enough?

I know it is difficult with friendships, because when there has been a bad break, both sides feel like the victim. People always say that you never stop loving a person? Is is true that I still have love for a person whom a year ago I had so much hatred for? I know we are supposed to forgive and forget. But is there also a point where you should at least try to reconcile?

Should you always try to be the better person and break the silence? I am just amazed that how one minute can be the best of friends and then the next minute, things start coming out and hurtful words are said, and next thing you know, a good friendship has been throw down the drain.

With this particular friend, there was some bad blood between us when all was said and done. And through it all, I was hurt tremendously by what happened between us.

Do you really believe that friends are here for a reason, a season, and or a lifetime?

I used to be the type of person who always tried to see the good in people and I was always trying to be everyone's friend. But after this past year, I have become such a guarded person. I have been hurt in many friendships and refuse to let it happen again. Good friends are hard to come by, so I've realized. But if you truly feel that you had a good friend, should you work to mend things?

Quote of the Day: "You can push yourself through anything, except a door that says pull."

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy reading your blog and keeping up with you, I have decided that I will never visit Spain in the summer.
