Thursday, September 30, 2010

Faith. 36/84.

I just got in from small group and I am pooped. Tonight we had the second discussion for our Alpha Group. The study asks the question who is God. We had a really good discussion after the DVD about Jesus and if we thought he was a great person, an evil person, or if he really was God in human form. The thing that kept pressing at me throughout our time was that the one thing that keeps me going is my faith. In the end, that's all you really have anyways, right?

Having lived out of state and out of the country, I can tell you, hands down, that living out of the country is so much harder than living out of state. If you are in a different town than your family, it's okay because you still are in a semi-close place to them. You can pick up the phone and call them, if anything really bad happens or if you hit a low point, you can always hop in the car and go home. You still have a sense of security. But moving out of the country is entirely different. You cannot simply hop on a plane and go home. (Nor can you afford it!) You basically have to start over from scratch. New language, new customs, new way of life. You have no one to lean on. So what kept me going those first few days? My faith in God.

Although I never hope to live by myself in the desert for forty days, I can somewhat relate to what Jesus went through in the wilderness. Yes, I have food to eat, I can shower, and I don't have to eat bugs. However, we were both on our own, with no one to turn to. So in our times of need, we prayed. This entire move has not only strengthened me as a person, but also my faith. It's amazing how much you learn by yourself once you step away from your "normal" life. I've been blessed to do it twice already. And each time, I continually learn more and more about myself.

In other news, I sold my life to the devil today. Oops, I mean MTV. The 2010 MTV Europe Music Awards are in Madrid in November. I saw that they were looking for people to work with them for five days. They needed people who speak both English and Spanish. I sent my resume to the girl last week, and she called me yesterday. She emailed me today to let me know that I will be officially working with them! I will be a runner/whatever else they decide to have me do. They are going to be recruiting people to come to the show, having contests for free tickets, etc. I will also be running around the city, trying to pick things up for them as well. Then on the day of the show, I will be on-site. The MTV lady said I would be escorting people on the red carpet, to their seats, and to VIP. This is so exciting for me! I will have contacts at MTV Europe and who knows who else! Oh, and the money they are paying me to work for them will cover about 70% of my plane ticket to come back to Madrid after Christmas. So that right there is worth it for me!

God is continually blessing me in ways that I never imagined would happen. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am going to meet someone from church tomorrow who is a Spanish teacher and she is going to help me with my writing! After that, I will come home and be in the bed early! I cannot wait to sleep in on Saturday. Although, I have an essay to write this weekend that is due on Monday. And I have to start studying for mid-terms that are this coming week and the next week. Crazy to think that it's already time for those. Which means I'm closer to coming home for the holidays :)

Speaking of the holidays, I found out yesterday that we have classes at school (work) the morning of the 23rd. Too bad I had bought my return trip to come home on the 23rd. I spoke with my boss this morning and she told me not to worry at all. I kept apologizing and she said it was nothing. She went on to tell me that she, along with everyone else at the school loves me. She said I'm so likeable and that they are so happy with me being at the school, not only with my teaching, but also with me as a person. That made me feel so good!

Oh, and just in case no one knew, the Reds won the NL Central Division :) hehehe. Had to rub it in :)

Quote of the Day: "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." -Aesop


  1. My Darling Granddaughter. I am so very very proud of you. it seems you have that magic touch. No, I take that back. What you have you have earned and work hard to get. And of course ypur faith in God, has help a great deal. i only wish you more and greater happiness. Love You, Grand paw

  2. Thanks, Grandpa :) All a person can do is try!
